Monthly Archives: October 2012

Think Pink: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

This morning, I walked in the Boston Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, along with over 200 students from the school where I work. Despite some rainy weather, it was a great morning for a great cause. Though my family hasn’t personally been touched by breast cancer, I know so many wonderful people who have been affected by this terrible disease, so I wanted to walk in support of the courageous survivors and fighters battling breast cancer every day.

Think Pink: Making Strides Walk Boston, October 14, 2012

One of the morning’s speakers was a woman named Tara, a 32-year-old mother of two who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She gave a beautiful, moving speech that brought me nearly to tears as she thanked the people at the walk for saving her life simply by their presence at the event. In talking with some other walkers, I discovered that she is blogging about her cancer battle. When I got home, I immediately looked up the blog and spent the entire afternoon reading it. I was completely riveted and read her story from beginning to end, and highly recommend that you do, too. It is a poignant, honest, brave and inspiring account of her battle with cancer. I don’t think I can use enough adjectives in that sentence to describe Tara’s writing. She doesn’t pretend that every day is easy, but throughout the ups and downs that she chronicles in the blog, a resilient, unstoppable spirit emerges. I was so touched by her words that I had to share them. If Tara can face cancer with such a courageous spirit, we all can face anything our Monday morning might bring, and realize that whatever life might throw at us actually isn’t so bad.

Read Tara’s blog at:

The t-shirts our school community wore for the Making Strides Walk said “Think Pink” and that is something that I am going to try to do each day: to think pink, keeping all of these people, and especially Tara, in my thoughts and prayers.

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Learning to Be – By Sarah Ruszkowski

A fabulous blog post by my equally fabulous college roommate about her life “outside the bubble,” living and working in a home for adults with disabilities. It’s part of a Notre Dame blog called Full of Grace, published by current and former mentors in Notre Dame Vision, an ND Campus Ministry mentoring program for high school students.

I can’t deny my bias, but it’s an inspirational read about one girl’s post-grad journey as she learns how to “Be God’s love” in our hectic, stressful, and constantly changing world. Check it out!

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October 3, 2012 · 6:32 pm